Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Mirpur Upozilla
Annual prog..

mirpur lakeMirpur
Mirpur upozilla is one of the important thanas of Kushtia distract. It is situated nearly about 20 km away from main town. There are many important places such as hospital with 50 beds in accommodation, Upozilla Porishad, historical Cattle market and lake, station, markets, mosque, Eidgah etc. Mirpur forms in 1985 and becomes an upozilla in 1 august in 1983. This Thana is surrounding with Veramara, Kushtia Sodor, Gangny, Daulathpur thanas. Mirpur Thana is about 317.35 square km. It has about 266046 people, 197 villages, Mauzas 125, and 13 unions. It has also house holds about 48215 units. From all of the population 48.21% is male and 51.76% is female. The eighteen up population is 136611. The literacy rate is 21.3% compared with national average. There are six cultural organizations Library, seven women’s organization and one cinema hall. The sources of income is 66.54% Agriculture, Laborers 2.90%, industry 1.08%, commerce 13.23%, service 4.75%, transport and communication 3.35%, religious service 0.17% construction 1.29%, remittances 0.36% and others 6.33%. Among them agricultural owner of land is 53.76%, landless 46.24% which have urban and rural people. The main fruits of this upozilla is all kinds of fruits especially Jackfruit. The communication system is good in this Thana. From the total roads 106.79km pucca and 112.2 km is smi-pucca. The industries or manufactories rice mills, cotton mills, Bidi factories, welding factories are here. Cottage industries, blacksmith, Goldsmith, bamboo work, weaving, cane work, wood work. There are 12 Hats and bazars, 3 fairs; most popular bazaars are Mirpur Cattle Market, Poradaha Cloth Market, Khadimpur Hat, Hajarhati Boishakh Mela at Village. The main exports of the Thana are Tobacco, Jute, and Betel leaf. All of the words and unions are under the blessing of Electricity. However the 29.55% household have the electricity lines. The main source of drinking water is Tube well. Sanitation system is good is this thana and in the rural are some organizations are still working on to the development of the sanitation system. There is a Upozilla Health complex and 13 private clinics and 10 welfare and family planning center. There are plenty of Banks in the Thana with all govt. banks and some private banks situated in different places. There are several NGO’s which trying to develop the poor families to grow some of them are ASHA, BRACK, SHETU etc. In one word it can say that Mirpur Thana can be called a modern Thana or Upozilla which have all the quality to be such one.

Medical College of Kushtia

Kushtia Medical College

Kushtia Medical College is situated at Hospital more of Kushtia district. Its establishment was a dream to the prohibitants of Kushtia. At last the dream comes true. The join secretary of Bangladesh Awami League Mahbubul Alam Hanif has launched the medical college. First the college started with only 50 students and every session they admit only 50 students. The students are learning only on 3 disciplines Anatomy, Physiology and Bio- chemistry. The principle of KMC is Dr. Iftikhar Mahmud. There is no individual campus of the college so the classes are now taking at Kushtia Medical Assistant School campus. Their office is now using as the medical college office. There was no residence facility of the college so temporarily they are using 2 hostels of the medical assistant school hostels. Mats is using as the principal’s office. The principal appointed on 9th October. For the medical college purpose 25 acres land has been taken at the Lahini para, outside of the main Kushtia town. A hospital with 500 beds and offices will be set there. The main construction will start soon. Total 15 lecturers are here from total post of 45. All of them are transferred from other medical colleges. There is a risk of system breaking education system of the college without taking any alternative arrangements. The classes start from August 3, 2014. Principal of the college said that, lecturers are the life of any college. They create the fundamentals of the students. From the 15 lecturers one is for anatomy, three is for Biochemistry; two is for Forensics and five for the others. Teachers and students said, practical hand training, tutorials, oral examinations are taken by the lectures. For this reason every one becomes concerned about the lack of lecturers. One of the second year students says, a lecturer is taking one class in a week. They remain unavailable on the other days. So we are facing problems. The principal says that this problem will be fade away very soon. Thus Kushtia Medical College is one the medical colleges in Bangladesh facing its internal problems. The govt. is working for the welfare of the college. One of the builder of the college campus said that the construction will be end soon. Then the problem will solve. Own campus is always great for the teachers and the students to learn.                        

Veramara Power Plant

Veramara Power Plant

The Veramara Power plant is located in Veramara Thana under Kushtia district. It is 35 km far away from the main town of Kushtia. It has a great contribution to the electrical development of Bangladesh. For the last few years the country is facing serious load shedding due to shortage of generation capacity. The peak demand is expected as approximately 4,700MW as of 2006 while actual supplied capacity (maximum) has been 3,782MW dated on 30 October 2005, in which it is recognized that approximately 20% load shedding against the peak demand has been consistently existed in the power system. The demand in the country is increasing at the rate of about 8% per annum. As per PSMP1, the anticipated demand in 2012, 2017 and 2025 will be 7,732 MW, 11,291 MW and 19,312 MW respectively. It can be understood that more than 5,000MW of capacity should be urgently built within next coming 5 years, and around 20,000 MW of new power plants should be necessitated by 2025 in order to meet the future demand, taking account of 25% of reserve margin for achieving appropriate reliability in the system operation. The project site, Veramara Power Station, currently runs 3x20MW single combustion gas-turbines (SCGTs), while these units are planned to be retired by 2009. Including the land for the existing plants, BPDB possesses 70 acres of land in Veramara Power station. BPDP, the main counter part of the project that could be easily acquired needed land that is owned by the Water Development Board, who is adjacent to exciting power plant for the new plants if needed. Further, current water, railway and road communication systems are workable to carry heavy machineries and to manage the new power plants. Moreover, Veramara is connected with national grid through Kushtia, Faridpur and Ishurdi 132 KV transmission system. Moreover, 230 KV backbone transmission line from Barapukuria – Bogra – Sirajgonj – Baghabari – Ishurdi – Bheramara – Khulna South is under implementation by PGCB, financed by ADB, which is scheduled to be completed by 2010. This backbone transmission line in the west part of the country will connect all the power generating stations and load centers. However, there are some uncertain issues concerning the project. Ganges River, one of the biggest rivers in the world, has seemingly plenty of water in order to operate the new power plants. Nonetheless, data say that there is a big gap between rainy and dry season in terms of quantity of water so that JICA should investigate the feasibility whether runoff from the plants might impact to the river environment because combined cycle gas turbine utilize huge amount of water, approximately 15-20m3 per second, to cool down the machine. However this power plant is really a blessing for the people of Bangladesh.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The oldest sugar mill

Kushtia Sugar Mills Ltd.

The Kushtia sugar mills Ltd. Started in 1961. Actually it starts its construction in this year. The construction completed in 1965. The trial of production starts in 1965-1966. That time there was much sugar cane that is why they can produce much more sugar.  Actually everyday cane crushing capacity was 1016 MT per day then it increases to the production near about 1524 where Yearly production was 15240 M.T. The increasing cane crush happens in the year of 1969-1970. The earnings of the mill were 6.74 million. To more earning the factory increases its man power and they started to buy more sugar canes from the farmers as a profitable price. The farmers were very keen to produce more canes as for their living. In the year of 1981-1982 the mill gains a profit of 7.85%, the highest production was 19920 M tons.  The machineries of this factory were supplied by M/S Mirrels Watson Company Ltd, Scotland which costs 29.92 Million Tk. The total area of the Factory is 221.46 acres. The total area is in one piece land. There are many complexes in the mill with a high school, training complex, a medical centre, two clubs, a canteen etc. There are also quarters for the employee of the factory 161 for family and 59 single for living. From the establishment of the mill the locality becomes economically grown up and the economical condition of them becomes sound. It is found by a statistics that 70% people of the locality is related with the mill directly or indirectly. But the political condition of the locality is comparatively unrest from others. It is a great regret for this organization the terrorism created. Besides this the factory pollutes the air, water, soil of area surrounded with said the WHO. There are some limitations of the factory like, there is no lot of acute money so the manager cannot pay the purchases money to the cane growers, they cannot pay price to the cane growers, and Financial Department depends on loan. Recently this factory is running loss there are some causes for the loss like, the officers and employees do not love to their jobs, they are not their duty properly, Machinery and manpower are rested because of the raw materials, shortage of sill labor. Thus it can say that Bangladesh has immense potentialities to develop this improving the lot of those associated with it. Govt. is now aware about the Sugar Mill.

Biggest railway bridge

Hardinge Bridge

Hardinge Bridge is the second biggest railway bridge in Bangladesh. This bridge is a historical symbol of the English colonialism. It is situated in the west side of Bangladesh. This bridge was used as the medium of transport to the west Bengal, India. This bridge enabled the transportation system to Assam and Calcutta. The first proposal of The Bridge construction put forwarded in 1889. It took 20 years before the passing of the commission. Some years ago Lalon Shah Bridge constructed next to the bridge. But it is noteworthy that this bridge is now remains attractive. The plan for this bridge was first taken by Sir FJE Spring in the year of 1802. After passing the plan a committee built to observe the place in 1908. The chief engineer of the bridge was Sir Robert Gailes from England. The commission of the bridge passed the project and its construction started in 1910. The bridge took 2 years to complete. In 1915 first trains runs over the bridge. The bridge is of 1.8 km in length. The bridge is over the river Ganges and it crosses the river Padma. This railway bridge connected two stations one is Veramara and Paksey. The bridge named after the then Viceroy of India, Lord Hardinge. He was in the post from 1910-1916. The local populations were also benefited from the bridge. The bridge constructions provided jobs for 24 thousand people. The first train uses for the taste by the engineers on 1st January, 1915 and in March it is inaugurated officially by Lord Hardinge. The bridge was constructed with 15 trusses, they were prefabricated and 16 piers build with concrete that will keep the bridge above water. Although, the full bridge construction was made of steel. The original structure of the bridge is made with a kind of mild steel. The Liberation war of Bangladesh took place in 1971, the bridge done a huge damage and it takes a huge repair funded by the Eastern Railway station and Bangladesh Railway. In 1972, the Japanese Govt. gives the assistance to repair the bridge along with Bangladesh Govt. This bridge is a significant part of Bangladesh. This bridge is using today as the main rail track to connect the western and eastern areas. This place has a historical interest so people come here to enjoy the sight of the bridge that is made of steel and they can also see the view of Lalon Shah Bridge.                      

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Mohini Mills

Mohini Mills

Mohini Mohon Chakroborty is one of the noble men of the very early period of English colonization. Mohini mill sets up in the year of 1908 at the river side of Gorai in Kushtia district. The beginning paid soon. In the year of 1912 it increases its loom to 203 after ten years it reaches in 529 looms along with 19,000 shuttles. A record says up to 55 thousands yards of better fabrics produced at that time. And profit was at least 30 crore in a single year. It is a hundred year old factory has a huge area. It is about 33 acres of land with over 2000 employee. There is a school named after Mohini Mohon, a huge playground, a temple, a large pond, a medical centre and quarters for the officers which were double rooms. First bad fortune comes to the fate of this mill in the year of 1965 with the trouble with Pakistan and India. After finishing the war the Pakistani military declares that it is a property of the enemy. The Pakistani banned Mohini and made them out of the country with his family members. Then the property goes under the ‘East Pakistan Industrial Development Service’ (EPIDS). After the independence of Bangladesh in becomes the property of The Textile Mills Corporation. It again starts its production with the then workers. After 2 years it reaches its loss of total 12 crores in 1978 and 18 lakhs in 1979. It was the result of mismanagements, corruptions, misappropriation of fund etc. The Mohini Mill started a new journey in the year of 1985 on 31st January with the name of ‘Shah Makhdum Mills’. This time it starts with only 100 workers. It again shuts down in 1987 with 10 months unpaid bill of the worker. This again happen in 1989 and closed in that year. In this year many machines sold by the neighbors of the mill. In the year of 1991 this mill closed forever. In this year all workers worked day and night for the profit of the mill. Till today this mill’s quarters are alive for their respective mill. But today this mill is nothing but ghost area of entire Kushtia. There are many political issues included for the end of the mill. The main leaders were failed to fulfill their promises, which the people will never forgot. Meanwhile, the great Mohini Mill is now a safer place to growing dust, parasites etc.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Islamic University

Islamic University

 Islamic University is one of the public universities of People’s Republic of Bangladesh. In this university there are huge areas of learning. It is situated in the western part of Bangladesh under the district of Kushtia. It is with a wide area of 175 acres. It is 24 km away from Kushtia and 22 km from Jhenidah town beside the highway of Kushtia- Khulna. It is the most efficient centre of learning Islamic Studies and studies of modern science and general studies. In this university local and foreign students can read the graduation and post graduation course. The both students have very well and decorated facilities. The academic teaching and extra curriculum activities are of good qualities in this university. It is a university oriented with a large campus where there are administrative and buildings, gymnasium, residential halls, auditorium and central cafeteria. Islamic university started academic activities on 28th June, 1986. It was first founded by former President Ziaur Rahman on 22nd November, 1979. At the first stage it was teaching only Islamic Studies and related subjects. The head of the Islamic University committee was Dr. M A Bari. The act for Islamic University passed in national assembly on 27th December, 1980. 1st January, 1981 the university opened its first academic year.  Dr. A. N. M. Mamtajuddin Choudhury was the first vice chancellor of Islamic university. Now the university has five faculties with 22 departments. The faculties are Faculty of Applied Science and Tech., Faculty of BSS and Arts, Faculty of BBA, Faculty of Shariah and Law, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies. All faculties contain different subjects. The institute of Islamic Education and Research (IIER) established for the professional service of the teachers. The library of the university is one of the biggest libraries of the country. It is three floored building with collection of 617,000 volumes and 30,000 manuscripts on different languages. Now it subscribes over 300 foreign journals. The administration is now built up with the most intellectual persons of Bangladesh. The vice- Chancellor is Professor Dr. Abdul Hakim Sarkar, the pro vice chancellor is Professor Dr. M Shahinoor Rahman, Treasurer – Professor Dr. Afzal Hossain, Register- Dr. Md. Moslem Uddin, Proctor- Professor Dr. Md. Mahabubar Rahman, Student advisor- Professor Dr. Md. Anowar Hossain. There are 7 residential halls in the university named, Saddam Hossain hall, Bangabandhu sheikh Mujibur Rahman hall , Shahid Ziaur Rahman hall, Begum Fazilatunnesa Mujib hall, Khaleda Zia hall and Sheikh Hasina hall. Now in the university there are over 12000 students. In the hall there are only 3000 seats including male and female students. And 60 buses make their trip to bring the students from Kushtia and Jhenidah town.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Lalon Shah Bridge

Lalon Shah Bridge

Lalon Shah Bridge is one of the greatest bridges of Bangladesh. The bridges have essential participation for the economic development of a country. The trucks, Buses and other vehicles can easily run over the bridge by saving their time. This can help the faster delivery of any kind of goods. The Lalon Shah Bridge is named after the most known mystic poet and saint Fakir Lalon Shah of Kushtia district. It is with two districts Kushtia and Pabna. It makes a connection between these two districts. It is situated about 30 km far from Kushtia town under Veramara Upozilla. The bridge is built over Padma River. It is 1.8 km long and 18.10 feet wide with 4 lanes every lane is 7.5 m of 25 feet and 1m (3 feet) foot ways by the side of the whole roads. . This bridge provides a road connection with the western part of Bangladesh. This bridge is about 300 meter downstream of Hardinge Bridge. The bridge consists with 15 spans every span is topically 109.5m (5894 feet) and there are two 72m spans at last. It is founded by the cooperation with Japan Bank for International Cooperation’s soft loan. PB is the prime consulted association with Kuljian Corporation, US, Worley International Ltd, Newzealand, KS consultants Ltd, Bangladesh, and Sarm Associates Ltd, Bangladesh. This super structure was designed by a continuous, prestressed single box girder by the segmental cantilever balanced construction method.   The construction starts in 2001 and finished in 2004 and opened for all kinds of vehicles on August 4. The bridge made under the modeling of mathematics by SWMC and joint participation of DHI. They made contract with RHD (Roads and Highway Department) under the ministry of Communication, Bangladesh. The whole construction is made with segmental concrete; this bridge is the longest segmental concrete structure. The vehicles have to pay Tolls for different kind. This bridge plays as the friendship between Japan and Bangladesh. By this bridge has decreased the problem of communication with the capital Dhaka. The roads are well constructed. The Ministry of communication earned a huge amount of money from the bridge every year it earns near about 7 cores tk. Under this bridge there is a picnic spot. The local peoples go there to enjoy the view of the river and the bridge. Meanwhile they can see the view of the two bridges at a time Hardinge Bridge and Lalon Shah Bridge.              

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Fokir Lalon Akhra

Fokir Lalon Akhra

Fokir Lalon Shah was the spiritual leader, mystical poet, Baul singer, saint, composer and reformer of Baul songs. Nobody knows his actual date of birth, his birth place, which religion he followed, his parents name nothing. The researchers say that he was born in 1774 and he died in approximately in the age of 116 years. The early life of Fokir Lalon Shah was impossible to verify and debatable. He was born in a Kayastha family in Bharora village Kushtia. In the young age he caught smallpox and thrown into Kaligonga River which is a branch river of Ganges. After that the saint Shiraj Shah (Malam Shah) who was a Muslim fakir along with his wife Matijan picked him up and back to health. Later Lalon introduced as a Baul Fakir. He sets up an Akhra in Chheuriya, Kushtia. There he lived with some of his disciples and his wife. Matijan was his first disciple. Lalon was actually devoted to freedom, love and peace that describes in his most songs. There are no written evident of his songs. His songs are all transmitted orally and later this transcripts by his followers. His direct disciple was Kangal Harinath Majumder the familiar poet of Kushtia. Rabindranath Tagor influenced by his songs and published in monthely Prabashi of Kalkata. Lalon died at the age of 116 on 17 October 1890 (so called) at Chheuriya. Every year thousands of disciples comes to the Akhra bari to give respect to their respectful leader. They stayed there for five or six days. They especially pray, sing, dances and by other ways give respect to their leader of Guru. Beside the Majar a large field situated and there held Mela for the rest of the days of the ceremony. Beside the Mazar there is a four floored building which is called ‘Lalon academy’. In the academy there are many singers who are practicing lalon song. And there is also two floored building which is made for the Bauls as their temporary living place. The govt. of Bangladesh spent for the complex about taka 3 crore and 54 lakhs. The great saint Fakir Lalon always spoke about the Humanism. He avoided all kind of difference of class and cast. Now the main Khadam of the Mazar is Karamot Ali. It is approximately 3 km away from the main Kushtia town. Today it is one of the tourists site in Bangladesh. Every year many foreigners come to this place for their research and to observe the meaning of the line ‘Manush Vojle sonar Manush hobi’.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Great Historical place of Bangladesh


The name of Mujibnagar comes from the antique name Baidyanathtala. It is a town situated under the district of Meherpur. It is formed by the government of Bangladesh after the guerrilla war of 1971. After that war the leaders thought that it will be the first place of the first govt. of Awami league. Although the country gained independence at that year but the Mujibnagar govt. recognized as first official govt. of Bangladesh. At first it was under the district of Kushtia but later it comes under Meherpur district.  After a long fight for freedom the fighter gained freedom from the Pakistan military. In 26 of March Maj. Ziaur Rahman declared the independence on behalf of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman when he was arrested and jailed in the West Pakistan. Then Bangladesh gained its independence after a long nine months war against Pakistan. After that the leader of Bangladesh especially Awami league congregated in the town Baidyanathtala, which was generally a mango grove under the area of Mujibnagar that time it was under Kushtia district. The national anthem sung first in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh in 17th April.  The govt. of Mujibnagar had a large structure of departments, administrative, activities and agencies. The government made as the formation as like as Sheikh Mujibur Rahman- President of Bangladesh, Syed Nazrul Islam: Vice President- Acting President, Tajuddin Ahmed- Prime Minister, Muhammad Mansur Ali-Finance Minister, Amirul Islam- Chief of the Volunteer Corps, Khondaker Mostaq Ahmed- Foreign Affairs and Law Minister, Muhammad Ataul Gani Osmani- Commander-in-Chief of the Mukti Bahini, A. H. M. Qamaruzzaman- Home, Relief and Rehabilitation Minister, Major General Abdur Rab- Chief of Staff, Abdul Mannan- Chief of the Department of Press, Information, Radio and Film, Matiur Rahman- Chief of the Department of Commerce, Yusuf Ali- Chief of the Department of Relief and Rehabilitation. The govt. of Mujibnagar created a net of agencies to establish a credible and associated govt. of Bangladesh. These agencies ensured the relief for the refuges and past civilians of East Pakistan. The govt. appointed different persons for the responsibility of the country. Planning Commission- Mosharraf Hossain, Muzaffar Ahmed Chowdhury, Khan Sarwar Murshid, Anisuzzaman, Swadesh Ranjan, S. R. Mirza- Director, Youth Camp,M. R. Akhtar Mukul- Director, Department of Information and Publicity, Abdul Jabbar Khan- Director, Department of Films, Quamrul Hasan- Director, Department of Arts and Design, J. G. Bhowmik: Relief Commissioner, T. Hossain: Director, Department of Health, Envoys- Abu Sayeed Chowdhury, Humayun Rashid Choudhary, Hossain Ali. It was the main formation of Mujibnagar Govt. the first govt. of People’s Republic of Bangladesh. And 17th April celebrated as the ‘Mujibnagar Day’.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Historical Shelaidaha..

                                             Historical Shelaidaha

Shelaidaha is a famous place of Rabindranath Tagore. It is situated in Kumarkhali Upozila of the district in Bangladesh. It is also known as Kuthibari. It is an old house made by Dwarkanath Tagore. Rabindranath Tagore spent a small part of his life in this house. When he was here he wrote some of his great writings, such as Katha o Kahini, Sonar Tari, Chaitali, Chitra, etc. He translated some works of his writings in English here. He wrote most of his poems from Kheya Naibedya and most of the songs from Geetimalya and Gitanjali. He starts his translate Gitanjali into English in the year of 1912 which helps him to earn the Nobel Prize in 1913 for literature.  Now a mansion has been created in Shelaidaha named Tagore's lodge or Kuthibari. In 1890 Tagore comes with his family to stay here in Shelaidaha. They stayed here over 10 years from 1891-1901. It is a country side home. It was made by Maharshi Debendranath Tagore. The Tagore Estate was under a Bank he and his family was the debtor of the bank, later on the bank auctioned this property and it becomes a possession of Zamindar of Bhagyakul of Munshiganj’ s Roy family. This house was a part of Roy’s family till the Zamindari system abolished. Then in 1958 it comes under the Rajshahi Divitional commissioner Syed Murtaza Ali. And it is coloured with red colour like the other Zamindar houses of the Estate. The main building is a three floored building. It is constructed with brick, corrugated tin sheets and timbers. The building is a shape with Pyramid along with terrace. The sum of the total area is about 11 acres. The building is in the middle of the compound. The Department of archeology completed the reformation of the building under Ministry of cultural Affairs. This house is now using as a museum. Here the bed, pen, wardrobe, lawn mower, iron chest, framed pictures and the famous of Tagore’s Panshi etc. 25th of Bengali month Boishakh is observed as the birthday of Rabindranath. The whole country comes to this place to see the memory of Rabindranath Tagore. This festival is five days long. The people from all over Bangladesh comes to see this place to find their historical interests. Not only from Bangladesh but also from different countries of the world comes to visit this place. Discussion, Fair, cultural program, staging of his plays actually includes to the main program.