Saturday, January 17, 2015

A common phase in Bangladesh

Economic crisis is now a common phase in Bangladesh. But now the the economical condition is developing geometrically. It was saying that corruption, loan avoiding is increasing but the secret agency of central bank (BFIU) is saying it is becoming down in their annual report. In current economic year 2014-2015 the lacking of trade is doubled. It is seen that the lack trading is 448 and above crore dollars where it was only 225 crore dollars. The export has increased by 91 percent and import is 16 percent. Bangladesh Bank is positive though this downfall. They gave a report on the economical crisis on the day before yesterday. The critics tells about the statistics of the downfall may cause for the continuing of ‘OBORODH’ by the opposite political party BNP. In this economic year the downfall is near about 88 crore dollars. The GDP of recent year will be 6.5 percent says the UNSCUP. This agency says this according to the present satiation in Bangladesh. In 2014 the GDP was 5.6 percent. This economic development will helpful for the other developing countries. This will be possible only if the country goes freely without any ‘HARTAL’, ‘OBORODH’ and other political incidents. From the last few days the tradings are falling down. None can do anything against this. The workers are going to their work place by risking their lives. They works not only for them but also for our national economic growth. The biggest agency of garments and knitwear BGMEA are very much worried about the present situation. They are seeking help from the govt. for delivering their orders to the buyers. The foreign buyers are not happy with the late deliver of their product. BGMEA wants from the govt. that they want armed security to protect their goods. The political parties are not coming to a subtle decision that people can breath in peace. ‘Share Market’ has a great contribution to the economy of any country as do our country. But for the political reason this market is falling day by day. The prices is going down everyday the brokers are fall in loss become bankrupt. Civil Society, SUJON, Human Rights Watch etc. are calling the two party to come or make decision that the general people would be no more the worst sufferer of the political incidents.

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