Monday, December 29, 2014

Say no violence ,, we want to see peach full Bangladesh ...

Political crisis is now world renowned matter of discussion.  Political crisis is a common feature in Bangladesh. It is now a fashion to the political parties of Bangladesh. After the freedom fight in 1971, Bangladesh is suffering from this disease. It may compare with disease because from that time the political parties are always stands against one another. ‘Democracy’ is the ruling system of Bangladesh but now it seems that it is ‘Autocracy’. The political analysis says that. Bangladesh gains democracy in1990. After that the parties comes to the main discussion. Bangladesh Awami league and Bangladesh Nationalist Party come to rule. From 1996- 2001 Bangladesh Awami league makes the government. Then from 2001-2006 B N P make the government. Then the care taker govt. comes to rule for the next 2 years. In this time many politicians comes under the law and order. They prisoned for their committing corruption and other law breaking incidents. The Awami league makes next govt. from 2008 to till now. This party also suffers from the political harassment and the forbidding of the other parties like Jamayate Islami Bangladesh and others. Bangladesh is a Islamic country but Awami league wants to introduce this country as a pure democratic country. The most political crisis happens in the Universities as well as colleges. Bangladesh Chattro league is now going crazy for the political position. It is believed that, Inefficiency, external influences, corruption performed by the govt. emergence of the type of political violent conflict. This conflict now refers to abnormal crisis made by the political authorities. This form of crisis made with violence and destruction through riot, hartal which leads the country to an uncertain future. When the govt. wants to control the situation by arresting the opposition then the discussion continues. Then more violation creates and more leaders arrested. Democracy is for the people but sometime it belongs to the govt. party. Most scholars say that Bangladesh takes the theoretical concept of democracy. Sometimes the political parties use undemocratic rules to hold the power. This country is now facing different crisis by their internal rules of politics which causes a big conflict to the state system. But the people of Bangladesh believe that it is possible to live happily if and only if the two big parties think of the people of Bangladesh instead of their self-interests.    

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